Imagine having your own business where

Where you are powerfully equipped to know what to do and how to do it.

And you CAN do it!

Imagine having your own business where...

  • You stand in your power as you choose thoughts that get you going, day after day. Your north star anchors your business like a steady ship.
  • You’re clear on your zone of genius that brings in the money you dreamt of and you use systems to simplify, automate and scale.
  • You attract your audience because you’re clear on who you are and who you want to invite to your paaartyyyy… AND you know what to put out in the world to invite them in.
  • Yeaaaah we can’t escape stress and overwhelm BUT what if you know what to do to take care of yourself and regulate your nervous system.
  • Plus you get to hang out with a bunch of cool, like-minded peeps who are on the same quest as you!

8 essential business modules

All sessions are conducted on Zoom, 8 - 10 pm Singapore Time. Can’t make it? Replays are available too.

20 May:

Find Your North Star

Instead of finding your niche, we'll start with clarifying your why. A solid why anchors your business and plots the way forward.

15 July:

Offers That Sell

We'll be discussing about the psychology of selling and how to have your ideal audience say YES to your offers.

3 June:

Attract Your Tribe

In this module, you'll learn how to convert the mildly interested to customers to raving fans and finally to true advocates.

29 July:

Creating Trust

How much trust do poeple have in you, your brand and your offers? We'll be using a framework to determine the current trust level for your business and the steps you can take too.

17 June:

Magnetic Copywriting

Learn how to tune up your copy

that feels like you in the best possible way and attract your ideal customers.

12 Aug:

Sustain and Scale

It's no fun being a burnt out entrepreneur. Learn how to stay in your zone of genius while maximising your profits.

1 July:

Design That Hooks

Learn design fundamentals that gets people to stop the scroll and take

another look at your content.

26 Aug:

Success and Self-Care

Learn how to have your brain work for you rather than against you AND listen to body cues while on your entreprenerial journey.

Who Are The Trainers?

As a 6 figure business owner, Faith Teo is no stranger to burnout and overwhelm. After her last episode at end 2018, she got fed up and went to find her own answers. Her eternal question is "Can women really have success by their own definition and still create a life of spaciousness, joy and pleasure?"

Happily the answer is yes and since then, she's been coaching several entrepreneurs through their own overwhelm. teaching them the hows while staying true to their north stars.

Chen Kaixian is the co-founder and Managing Director of One Drop, a leading wellness brand within

The Collected Pte Ltd's portfolio of businesses. With over 15 years of operation, One Drop boasts a thriving community of 50,000 members under her strategic leadership. As a female entrepreneur, Kaixian embodies resilience and resourcefulness, having mastered the art of business through self-directed learning and adaptability. She champions self-coaching as a catalyst for transformative action, empowering others to unlock their full potential and navigate their own paths to success.

Faith Teo


Be Your Own Hero

Chen Kaixian


One Drop

You are in good company

Here's what others are saying about our trainers

I came to the session with disorganised thoughts and emotions and left with clarity and purpose. Faith was able to adapt to my randomness, allowing me to share multiple trains of thought and helping me to consolidate into something meaningful. She was able to ask and rephrase questions to help me narrow down to the heart of the matters. She helped me to clear my mind and heart so that I can better perform in my everyday tasks. Thank you Faith!

Charlene Tan


Kaixian is a communicator of the highest caliber. She possesses an exceptional aptitude for business ideation and strategy. Her approach to problem-solving is innovative and transformative; she has the unique talent to reframe questions in a manner that unveils more efficient and impactful solutions. Her insights have been instrumental in the development and implementation of strategic programs that have delivered systematic benefits.

Franco Silva

Former GM of Young Living Philippines and Korea

Details about the 8 Modules

Module 1:

20 May 2024, Mon 8PM - 10PM (SG Time)

Find Your North Star

Many marketing experts might ask you to start finding your niche first, but over here at CanAF, we'll start with clarifying your why and the culture of YOU. This help separates you from the others in similar fields and helping the audience to recall EASILY what you and your business are all about.

Module 2:

3 June 2024, Mon 8PM - 10PM (SG Time)

Attract Your Tribe

Rather than persuading people to join your latest offer or pay for your product, imagine what if the process is reversed? Where your people are not only knocking on your door to buy, but also to buy repeatedly and to introduce others to buy from you too. This is where we’ll be covering the principles of attraction marketing and how you can use it to attract your tribe.

Module 3:

17 June 2024, Mon 8PM - 10PM (SG Time)

Magnetic Copywriting

While writing might be viewed as an art, there're actually both technical and functional aspects to it that can make your copy sing. Learn how to tune up your words that feels like you in the best possible way and attract your ideal customers.

Module 4:

1 July 2024, Mon 8PM - 10PM (SG Time)

Design That Hooks

We used to have only 8 seconds to catch someone's attention. These days thanks to info overload in the online and real world, that window has now reduced to 2 seconds. In this module, you'll be learning how to use Canva to create visuals that stop people from scrolling on, and have them take another look at your content.

Module 5:

15 July 2024, Mon 8PM - 10PM (SG Time)

Offers That Sell

Are you truly excited about your offers? Or are you thinking making offers is something you HAVE to do to make ends meet [insert feeling of heaviness]? In this module, we’ll walk through the psychology of selling and how you can create offers that you’re truly passionate about and that your people are equally passionate to get from you too.

Module 6:

29 July 2024, Mon 8PM - 10PM (SG Time)

Creating Trust

Trust relationships are vital to the way we do business today. In fact, the level of trust in business relationships, whether internal with employees or colleagues or external with clients and partners, is the greatest determinant of success. The Trust Quotient uses four objective variables to measure trustworthiness. These four variables are best described as: Credibility, Reliability, Intimacy and Self-Orientation. In this session, become keenly aware what what is contributing to or diminishing the amount of trust others will have of you; and look into how you are intentionally better your Yrust Quotient

Module 7:

5 Aug 2024, Mon 8PM - 10PM (SG Time)

Sustain and Scale

A big part of running a successful business is to stay in your zone of genius while allowing systems, technology and other people to take over the parts you rather not spend so much time in. In this module, you’ll learn how to do exactly that and what options you can explore to keep your business ticking.

Module 8:

19 Aug 2024 , Mon 8PM - 10PM (SG Time)

Success and Self-Care

Very few business courses address the fact that success starts from within FIRST before it takes place in the outside world. Your thoughts, emotions and your spiritual awareness must be aligned for easier success in the material world. And much as people can ask, "How can I stay motivated?" and "Am I doing the right thing?", the most important thing is WHAT you tell yourself makes a difference to how your entrepreneurial journey looks like. This is also where we discuss boundaries and come up with different strategies to manage curveballs that our brains and Life may throw at us.

Price - SGD640, instalments available.